
Collection of believers makes church

The Beginning of Knowledge It is referred to by many names, that collection of believers who make up the institution designated as the church (Acts 2:46-47). These are the ones who have been called out of darkness (Colossians 1:13).

New ‘East Town Booster’s Club’ formed

Extracted from Newspapers at the Genealogy Library 25 Years Ago May 12 - 18, 1999 State Representative Doug Gatewood presented a Kansas Flag to Debbie Messer, local Girl Scout Service Unit Leader, and Betty Schoech, Girl Scout Service Unit treasurer and building chairman for the new addition to the Columbus Girl Scout House. This week’s Titan Athlete of the Week is sophomore Libby Overman who plays shortstop for the varsity Lady Titans softball team.

Healthy living can aid dementia, heart health

Avoiding early onset dementia According to the Health and Retirement Survey, around half a million Americans may be contending with early-onset dementia. Now, a new study reveals that some of the risk factors that can lead to the devastating diagnosis are modifiable - and you can slash your risk.

Technology has improved healthcare

Technology has come a long way in the past 200 years. The telegraph was invented in 1837 and made rapid long-range communication possible. Messages could be sent around the world through a series of connected wires. The telegraph had medical applications in the Civil War. It was used to order medical supplies and report information about injuries and casualties to medical teams. This was cutting edge technology at the time, but it now is considered an obsolete method of communication.

Meriwethers meet President Nixon

Extracted from Newspapers at the Genealogy Library 25 Years Ago May 12 - 18, 1999 State Representative Doug Gatewood presented a Kansas Flag to Debbie Messer, local Girl Scout Service Unit Leader, and Betty Schoech, Girl Scout Service Unit treasurer and building chairman for the new addition to the Columbus Girl Scout House. This week’s Titan Athlete of the Week is sophomore Libby Overman who plays shortstop for the varsity Lady Titans softball team.

Coins have interesting evolution

This week we will learn about a couple of coins made in limited quantities in the colonies during the American Revolution. The first is the New Hampshire Copper coin.

Gardens seats used for centuries

May means warmer weather, flowers blooming and more time spent outdoors, especially in the garden. Even if you’re as avid a gardener as Terry Kovel, the garden is never just a place for work.

We are called to build up others

Read Jude 20-25 Have you ever considered the requirements and costs of tearing down versus building a new building? Tearing down takes a little less effort and is usually done quickly. It would be best if you had materials, people of experience and expertise, and a lot of time and money to build.