Gay Parita reopens with Brutus party

  • The Pete Ferraro family is prominently featured on the front wall of the Gay Parita ballroom in Carona. Shown are back row left to right, Jim, Frank, Joe, Pete Jr., Mike and Minnie Parise. On sofa left to right Edith Sachetta, Pauline Ducrous, Pete Ferraro Sr., Lily Getto Annie Decicco.
    The Pete Ferraro family is prominently featured on the front wall of the Gay Parita ballroom in Carona. Shown are back row left to right, Jim, Frank, Joe, Pete Jr., Mike and Minnie Parise. On sofa left to right Edith Sachetta, Pauline Ducrous, Pete Ferraro Sr., Lily Getto Annie Decicco.
Most every area resident currently on Social Security can recall a night at the Gay Parita Ballroom in Carona. For the past 50 years it has stood in defiance of its deteriorating condition, recalled only as a Southeast Kansas landmark, a ghost of the silent past. Local industrialist John Parsons and his wife Teresa, became interested in restoring the nightclub, which he has accomplished. Though…

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